Have 6502 Will Travel.
I wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be bringing Veronica to KansasFest this year. In addition to having the machine around for people to play with, I’ll be giving a presentation on the design and development of it. It will be a sort of “post mortem” as well. I’ll be talking about what went well, what didn’t, what I would do the same, and what I would do differently next time. I hope it will be fun, and you shouldn’t need another excuse to come to KansasFest anyway.
For those who aren’t familiar with it, KansasFest is a retrocomputing conference held every year in Kansas City, MO. It’s primarily an Apple ][-focused event, but people from all walks of computing life have been known to attend.
Registration for KansasFest closes in four days (!), so if you want to come see Veronica in person, sign up now! My apologies for the late notice, but this is a last minute thing for me as well. I hope to meet some Blondihacks readers while enjoying some Apple ][ action.
Now I just have to figure out how to get a very sketchy looking homemade box full of electronics on an airplane. Luckily, the TSA are known for being easy going and flexible, right? Right?

Be sure to say Hi to Vince Briel. He’s a great guy and has put together some great kits (*cough* Veronica kit *cough*). Met Vince at Vintage Computer Festival East this year.
For sure! I may even do one of his workshops. He’s got a couple of nifty devices that look fun to build.
I second that! He’s going to do a workshop letting people build his new OSI Superboard project (http://www.brielcomputers.com/wordpress/?cat=39) on which I had the pleasure and honor to cooperate with him. It’s the first vintage computer replica with a full custom keyboard as far as I know. I wish I could be there myself, but alas…
Cool- didn’t know you worked on the Superboard. It’s a neat project!