Because it seemed like a good idea at the time. The Apple II line of computers had an amazing run, from 1977 to 1993. In

Because it seemed like a good idea at the time. The Apple II line of computers had an amazing run, from 1977 to 1993. In
Because Interrupts Are Hard. The Apple II was (well, still is) a computer devoid of interrupts. I think most modern software engineers probably under-appreciate the
The cost of procrastination. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, one thing you know is that I’ve been having chronic problems with
Shuffling bits for fun and profit(?) Last time, we got the F18A physically repaired and running off Veronica’s power supply. Things seemed to be
One step back, two steps forward. If you’ve been following this Put-An-F18A-In-Veronica drama, you know that we had some very light early successes, followed
THIS IS FINE. After the incredible success of our last bit of work on Veronica’s F18A, I was very excited to get started on
Do not go gentle into that good night. Just when things were starting to go really well on the Put An F18A In Veronica
Testing the limits of my desire to repair. What’s this? Is that my elliptical machine on the operating table again? How can this be?
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. With our recent success in remembering how to do address decoding, it was
Bridging The Gap As you probably know if you’re the kind of person who follows this blog, the 6502 CPU (the 1970s chip around
Making improvements to a tool we built A while back, I built a couple of smartphone mounts for tripods, based on a design that
Time for our girl to learn some new tricks. If you were to ask me what questions I get asked the most in my
Pinball machines have a lot of switches, and they fail a lot. What’s this? Another Johnny repair article so soon? Well, like many complex
Hey everyone! Sometimes I get requests from folks who would like to support the blog and YouTube channel, but prefer not to use Patreon. I’ve
Hey everyone! Just a quick note to say that I’ve created my first Patreon Goal. As of this writing, I’m very close to reaching 100
Increasing the unexpected usefulness of an odd tool. Patrons! If you’re at the $5 level or above, you’ll be seeing a three-part video series
Sometimes a simple repair gets all kinds of weird. A couple of months ago, a good friend was over and wanted to play some
Bringing a little mechanical buddy back to life. This article has an accompanying four-part video series in the Patreon feed. Sign up at the
Wherein we party like it’s 1969. A very good friend of mine has been having a rough time lately, and a couple of us
Wherein we ensure I never have to hear my own thoughts. I’m a podcast junkie. That might be entirely literal, given that I can’t
Wherein we shave yaks. This post has an exclusive companion video for Patrons. Sign up now to see it! It shows detailed construction steps
When a bolt-on kit…. isn’t. Anyone who has messed with cars knows that “bolt-on” kits generally involve almost as much custom fabrication as having
All your smartphone are belong to us. This post has an exclusive companion video, engineering drawings, and 3D model for Patrons. Sign up now
Wherein I give out more cool stuff to the people who make this all happen. Have you been on the fence about supporting me
Wherein we may solve this problem once and for all. My elliptical machine has been a regular feature here, starting with upgrading the power
Wrangling the angry pixies This project has an exclusive Patreon video about the internals of the electrical controller. Sign up now to see it!
Because everything is better with bluetooth. This article has two companion videos! There’s an overview on the Blondihacks YouTube channel, and an insider look at
Finally we can make flat things. The lathe is called the King of Machine Tools for very good reason. There’s arguably nothing you can’t
Wherein we are reminded why dead trees suck. This article has a companion video for Patrons! Sign up now to watch it! On the fence
Hey Readers! This post includes the first-ever companion video on the private Blondihacks YouTube channel. To see it, pledge any amount on Patreon.
Hello loyal readers! After seven-or-so years of running this blog, I decided it’s long past time to start giving my Patreon patrons more than
Everything needs a little love now and then. We’ve been pushing the lathe pretty hard lately, including turning some things that are definitely pushing
Wherein we get really good at sanding. Exciting times here in the Blondihacks boiler shop. As you may recall from last time, we got our
First three rows will get wet. After a marathon of brazing, it’s finally time for the big moment- hydrostatic testing. A boiler’s raison d’être is to make
The heat is on. After months of making parts, we’ve finally reached the point where we can start assembling this boiler. Now we have some brazing
Empowering the heads to do their jobs Last time we roll-formed some copper stock to form the heads, and that was pretty cool. We
Getting around to making it round. A boiler head is the “end cap” of the pressure vessel. Real steam locomotive boilers are made by
Gathering steam for the coming work. Last time we made a bunch of straightforward plumbing fittings. We have more fittings to make, however, and
Bushings and ells and plugs, oh my! I used to think a boiler was a big metal shell that you pressurize. That’s a good
A whole new look and location for this old blog. I know, right? It’s crazy in here all of a sudden. Well, here’s the
Supporting a big cylinder turns out to be pretty hard. With the boiler shell basically ready to work on, it was time to finally
Big Data for a Little Blog Hello loyal Blondihacks readers! The results from the first ever Reader Survey are in. My apologies if you didn’t
Hey loyal Blondihacks readers! It’s hard to believe, but Blondihacks has been operating for almost seven years now. In all that time, I’ve never stopped
Getting our boiler shell ready to work on. We demonstrated last time that D.E. Johnson’s old design for an automatic electric boiler should indeed work
Hey loyal Blondihacks readers! Just a note that I’ve added a commenting policy to the site. I really appreciate everyone’s comments, and you folks that
The pressure builds in this strange new endeavor. This new project will be a very interesting one indeed. I’ll be way outside my wheelhouse here,
New Love For An Old Door. Well, we had some fun with all the steam shenanigans in the shop recently, but it’s time for
Did we make a steam engine or a pretty pile of scrap? Time to find out. In the previous installments in this series, we
Alliterating our way to success. So far our little Wobbler has a crankshaft, main bearing, piston, and cylinder. However, it’s currently a bucket of parts.
Hello loyal Blondihacks readers! I recently posted my thoughts here about Patreon’s changes to their fee structure. In that, I counseled you to lower your pledges
Reciprocation and Salivation Last time, we made the crankshaft and main bearing. These are the elements that convert linear motion into rotational motion, so
Building something cool that only machine tools can do. If you’ve been following along with my lathe series, then you now have sufficient skills
The cracks are starting to show. My elliptical cardio machine has made so many appearances on this blog so far that it practically deserves
Thoughts on the first nine months. It’s been nine months since the Precision Matthews PM1022V lathe was brought into my shop, so I’m starting to
When “compromise” just isn’t good enough. Race car aerodynamics are a very complex thing, but there are some easy wins that can be had
Wherein the huge workbench is determined to be insufficiently huge. While it’s true that Furiosa’s Workbench is a beastly thing and should be plenty
A glove, a drop target, and a matrix, oh my! Pinball machines operate in a special realm where the normal laws of physics don’t
The tradeoff of time spent learning tools. This article is ostensibly about a particular piece of software, and its relationship to 3D printing and machining.
New techniques, new tools, new materials, oh my! This project builds on all the previous lathe articles in this series in order to make something
New materials and new techniques. Now that we’ve learned how to grind HSS tool bits, some really nice new avenues open up to us.
An easy method to get started. High Speed Steel is wonderful stuff. With all the talk these days about carbide insert tooling, and online
A second fun project to amaze your friends. We’re going to build on the basic skills from the steel ring project, such as tool setup,
An approachable first project on the lathe. Another post so soon? It’s true, Blondihacks posts never come this quickly in sequence. We average about
From a dream to first chips If you’re interested in making things, and particularly metal things, you’re on a road that eventually leads to machine tools.
The trick is to be smarter than the animal with a brain the size of a walnut “This will be great,” I thought to
For when “incredibly strong” just isn’t good enough. A while back, we did a fun little welding project here on on the blog that I have
A simple hack for containing feline enthusiasm A “Whiskey Bar” could be described as a thing that contains whiskey. That applies equally well to
For all your bicycle-related scooting needs. I was recently asked by a cyclist if it was possible to build a rolling stool that used
Another project tool followed me home. If you do a lot of metalworking, you very quickly get tired of making cuts. Your choices are,
Ghosts of the past, I/O errors, and big dreams. A while back I did a Part I on digging through the old pile of
So you wanna buy a drill press… If you’re at all interested in machine tools, a drill press is a really great place to
So many old hacks. Where are they now? Blondihacks has been running for seven years now, and it’s been quite a ride. I have many,
Sometimes, you just need a place to set down your adult beverage. My recent metalworking posts have gone over well, so I thought I’d
Not everything you read on the internet is real. I think the hacking community online has a bit of a File Drawer Problem. This is a
Or Possibly An Artisan Solar Bird Oven Every so often I get the urge to make something ridiculous. During a conversation with a regionally
For the first time ever, our girl didn’t show up for work. Veronica has been making the rounds of makerspaces, conferences, etc lately. She
Readers send me stuff. Here’s a first for Blondihacks- reader mail! I’ve been doing this blog for many years, and have received a lot
A new entry into the Apple II solid state scene. The Apple II retrocomputing scene has some excellent solid state storage options already, including
But wait, there’s more. Hey everyone! I wanted to say, “thank you” to all my Patreon patrons. You are the ones who make this blog
For once, wishing a computer was slower. A little while ago, I went on a semi-epic (sempic?) quest to fix the beep in my
Digging up treasures in mom’s basement Over the holidays, I took the rare opportunity to dig through the stockpile of childhood belongings in my
Fixing 30yo ROM bugs… for real this time. You may recall way back when I started my Apple II ROM Tool project, that I had
Attempting to close the loop on my 30yo ROM hacking efforts. Last time, we got the Apple II ROM Dumper to the point where it
A side quest to explore old code. Something I’ve been wanting to do ever since acquiring my Apple IIc Plus at KansasFest is to dig into
Getting access to a better world. I have a project coming up that needs a lot of I/O and USB support. I could do
Now with 100% more Twitter Hey Blondihacks readers! It’s been a very busy summer here in Blondihacks labs. I wanted to drop everyone a quick
Getting a cardio machine back on its feet. Count yourselves lucky that I got the worst joke of this entire post out of the way
Wrapping up the prototype for retrogaming on the go. A while back I started working on a gamepad for Apple II-series computers. It’s now
Stand back- I’m going to try SCIENCE! My PrintrBot has been chugging merrily away for me, and while it works, the preparation of the
Delicious, delicious crow. Yep, that’s right. Despite all my preaching in this blog about how 3D printers are overrated and not ready for primetime and
Taking classic gaming on the road. Teddy Top has been proceeding nicely, and my IIc Plus is getting increasingly portable. However, there’s one key
Data on the go to go with my screen on the go. With the basic Teddy Top now up and running with a nice
This idea may yet see the light of day. A while back, I had this idea to create a thing that would turn an
How far we’ve come from where we were. It’s an auspicious occasion here at Blondihacks. You see, my Philips Sonicare Elite toothbrush died. Why
Taking a basic case to school. Sometimes the simplest hacks are the most satisfying. I recently gifted a snazzy new iPad case to my father. That meant
Making something that sucks. After my poor result from attempting to 3D print the rather large Teddy Top prototype, I thought I’d give vacuum
Sometimes a magic bullet ricochets and kills you. Ever since beginning the Teddy Top project, I’ve had it in my head that I wanted
Attempting to determine why it sucks so very much. Like many hackers and tinkerers, home automation is a subject of irrational fascination for me.
A tale of fourteen fails. Sometimes a project goes so smoothly from start to finish that you’re left feeling all warm and fuzzy, and
What’s new is old again. Sometimes, an idea seems so great that you just can’t let it go, even though you should. Today’s hack
Upcycling my own crap for once. This isn’t a hack per se… more like a hacklet. It’s a quickie, and thus is free for
To make progress, sometimes you have to make tools. My scores haven’t been great on Johnny lately. An outside observer might suggest that perhaps
We need eggs, but the chickens all died in 1992. Last time, I gave my IIc Plus a little checkup, then proceeded to try booting
Playing doctor with an oldie-but-goodie. As regular readers may recall, I recently attended KansasFest for the first time. In addition to being a big
Making Johnny smooth and suave once again. Back when I converted Johnny over to LEDs, I mentioned that there are some downsides to putting
Quinn meets Hack-A-Day. Thousands dead. Film at eleven. Let me open this post with a bit of administrative news. I’m now a Patreon Creator! For
A one-click build pipeline for rapid iteration on Apple ][ software. In addition to meeting lots of amazing people, the recent KansasFest left me with a
Braving inhuman humidity for the love of 8 bits. This year I got talked into attending KansasFest for the first time ever. To be
Have 6502 Will Travel. I wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be bringing Veronica to KansasFest this year. In addition to having the
A quick tour of Blondihacks World Headquarters. I’ve had a number of requests for a look at my workspace, so I figured I’d finally
Now we’re getting serious. This article is gonna be a long one, so grab a beverage (careful, man!), and put your feet up. I
Rescuing yet another almost-great product. One of the running themes here at Blondihacks is rescuing products from the landfill when they “barely fail”. That
A problem waiting to happen is no longer waiting. I recently cleaned up and relocated the battery box on Johnny, because some previous owner
All your base are belong to us. Every aspect of a pinball machine is a compromise between durability, cost of manufacture, serviceability, and the
Let there be light! An increasingly popular modification to pinball machines is to convert the lighting system to LEDs. These machines typically have 100+
Pushing Johnny’s secret buttons. Every pinball machine from about 1980 onwards (the solid-state era) has a diagnostic control panel inside it. This is a
Getting Crazy Bob open for business once again. I recently diagnosed and repaired a flasher lamp on Johnny Mnemonic. It was a simple fix,
Somebody give this man a hand! You just knew I was going to make that joke at some point, so we might as well get
From boat anchor to booting game. When Johnny arrived at my house, he was a 325lb plywood boat anchor. He didn’t boot up at
A new toy to tinker with and hack on. Today I’m starting a new series of articles here on Blondihacks. Similar to Veronica, this
Booting into a useful state. A common feature of 1980s computers is that they booted into a useful state. This was one of the
Making Veronica fit for the open road. One of my earliest goals for Veronica was to be able to take her places. Perhaps a
Rescuing my cardio machine from the scrap heap once again. As I’ve often said on this blog, so many consumer products seem to have
Keyboards and gamepads and ports, oh my! With Veronica’s input systems working in prototype form, it’s time to get it all installed in the
Pushing the boundaries to see what blows up. I can’t ever leave things well enough alone, so while working on Veronica’s input system, I decided to
Hey loyal Blondihacks readers, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the advertising content on this site. You may have noticed that
Adventures with 40 year-old chip bugs. It seems like every Veronica project I start is “a pretty straightforward thing that shouldn’t take too long”,
An arcade “cabinet” to hold my arcade controller. A while back, I decided my life was missing a homemade arcade control panel. Well, it’s
A fun little afternoon project. Recently, the fine folks over at Adafruit Industries asked me to build something with their parts and write about
This is what happens when there’s nothing on TV. I’ve been listening to a really great podcast lately called No Quarter. It’s all about
Some Input to go with all that Output. There are moments in a big project like this that really stand out. Those moments where
Making RAM and EEPROM play nice together. If you had told me ahead of time how much trouble the RAM board would cause, I
Just when you thought it was safe to call yourself Turing-complete. Veronica seemed to be humming along nicely with her new RAM, and I
Minor growing pains. Veronica has developed a minor problem. She’s outgrown her backplane! When I started this project, I thought a fair bit about
Making our girl Turing-complete. It suddenly occured to me that Veronica is missing something rather important which is needed to be called a “computer”.
Cross-developing on homebrew 6502s and other single board computer projects. Over on Veronica, things have progressed to the point of needing some fairly substantial
Homebrew etching of double-sided PCBs. Etching PCBs is a topic I’ve covered quite a bit already, here and especially here. You might think I’ve
By popular demand. Housekeeping Note: I’ve added a new column on the left that groups Veronica posts together. If you want to follow this
Just when you thought it was safe to render. If you recall from last time, I had Veronica’s GPU board all built, and successfully
Making Veronica’s video permanent. Now that the video board seems to be working, it’s time to make it a real PCB so it can
It’s been a long time coming. It’s been quite an odyssey getting to this point. One of the tougher challenges I’ve encountered so far
Coding in style with open source tools. I need to take a quick segue here to talk about the toolchain I’ve been using to
Rescuing a good product from bad customer service. I’ve been setting up my house for wireless music throughout. The technology I chose is Apple’s
Getting the VRAM to play well with others. The next step in getting Veronica’s VGA board up and running is setting up a way
Taking stock and making plans. Sometimes, in order to move forward, you have to take a step back. When last we met Veronica, she
Making another product into what it should have been. Here’s yet another case of a consumer product that is almost really nice, but falls
A better morning for old feet. We’re back! Thanks for everyone’s patience with BlondiHacks’ long absence. Moving to the new space has been more
Hey everyone! You may have noticed it has been a little quiet here lately. That’s because Blondihacks Labs has been in the long process of
Video memory for our girl. I considered subtitling this article, “adventures in breadboard noise”, since that’s what I spent most of my time dealing
A timelapse camera in a Tic Tac box. Among my more questionable life choices is my regular participation (as part of The B-Team) in